Mindfulness and Meditation

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Do you mind? Get connected to your mind and body.
What is Mindfulness, Why Meditate?
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us..
Sitting in meditation gives us a way to move closer to our thoughts, emotions and to get in touch with our bodies. It’s a method of cultivating unconditional friendliness and love toward ourselves. This quality time allows us to witness first hand, the unfolding of the human condition. Through seated meditation, we have an open window to better understand ourselves. We learn how to work with life’s ups and downs while we connect to the breath, the earth and our surroundings.
Sitting in mediation, also known as mindfulness-awareness practice is the foundation of radiant health from the inside out. It’s about learning to let go of difficulties and entanglements which harm us and lead us into negative ways of doing thinking.
Benefits of Meditation:
Provides a sense of calm, peace and balance
Reduces stress
Increases energy
Helps control thoughts
Increases blood flow and slows heart rate
Reduces feelings of depression, anxiety, anger and confusion